A. Steps to Report Intellectual Property Infringement:
At Auroradesignny, we are committed to protecting intellectual property rights. Our policy includes:
- Blocking or removing any content (including text, graphics, and photos, collectively referred to as “Content”) that we believe, in good faith, infringes on third-party intellectual property rights upon receiving a valid infringement notice.
- Terminating services for repeat infringers.
If you believe that content on the Auroradesignny platform violates your copyright or other intellectual property rights, please submit a notice of infringement with the following details to our Designated Agent:
- Identification of the copyrighted work or intellectual property that has allegedly been infringed, including any applicable registration number(s).
- Identification of the infringing content, including:
- A description of how the material is infringing on your copyrighted work or intellectual property.
- A detailed location of the infringing material on the Auroradesignny platform, allowing us to verify its existence.
- Your contact details, including your full name, mailing address, phone number, and email.
- A good faith statement confirming that you believe the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright holder, its agents, or the law.
- A declaration under penalty of perjury that the information provided in your notice is accurate and that you are the rightful owner or authorized to act on their behalf.
- Your physical or electronic signature, confirming authorization to act on behalf of the rights holder.
B. Actions Taken Upon Receiving a Valid Infringement Notice
Auroradesignny Policy:
- Remove or disable access to the reported infringing content.
- Notify the user whose content has been removed or restricted.
- Enforce strict action against repeat offenders by removing infringing content and terminating their access to the Auroradesignny platform.
C. Process for Submitting a Counter-Notice to the Designated Agent
If you believe that the removed or disabled content does not infringe on any rights, or that you have legal authorization to use the content from the rights holder, their agent, or under applicable law (such as fair use), you may submit a counter-notice with the following details to the Designated Agent:
- Identification of the removed or disabled content, including details of where it was located on the Auroradesignny platform before removal.
- A good faith statement, made under penalty of perjury, affirming that the content was removed or restricted due to an error or misidentification.
- Your contact information, including your full name, mailing address, phone number, and email.
- A legal consent statement, agreeing to the jurisdiction of the Federal Court in your district (or, if outside the USA, the judicial district where Auroradesignny is located) and accepting service of process from the original complainant.
- Your physical or electronic signature to confirm the validity of the counter-notice.
Upon receiving a valid counter-notice, Auroradesignny may forward a copy to the original complainant, notifying them that the disputed content may be restored within 10 business days. If the rights holder does not file a legal claim within 10 to 14 business days, Auroradesignny may, at its discretion, reinstate the content or restore access.
Important: Under Section 512(f) of the DMCA, knowingly submitting a false claim of non-infringement may result in legal liability, including damages and attorney fees.